Difference between a hard link and a symbolic link

Hugo Bayona
3 min readSep 17, 2019


Hard links, Soft Links. Whats the difference?

Soft link

In a few words, a soft link is a file that contains the path to another file, or, in more fancy words, it’s a pointer to another file.

This file is a completely different file, it will not inherit any of the characteristics the original file has.

How to create one

The syntax is very simple:

ln -s original_file soft_link

Hard link

A hard link, on the other hand, is another name you give to a piece of data in your hard drive.

When you create a file and you put a name to it, you just make a hard link.

A new hard link it’s the equivalent of giving two (or more if you create more hard links) names to the same data on the Hard Drive.


How to create one

The syntax is very simple:

ln original_file hard_link


Let’s do it… initially, we have this:

├── folder_1
│ └── original_file
└── folder_2

Now we move to folder_1 and create a hard link and a soft link.

$ cd folder_1
$ ln original_file hard_link
$ ln -s original_file soft_link

If we list folder_1 directory:

$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 2 vagrant vagrant 13 Sep 17 02:40 hard_link
-rw-rw-r-- 2 vagrant vagrant 13 Sep 17 02:40 original_file
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant 13 Sep 17 03:00 soft_link -> original_file

Has you can see, the original_file and the hard_link looks exactly the same, that's because they are the same data in the hard drive but with a different name… they even share the same permissions.

The soft_link is just a pointer, to the path of the original_file, but this is a relative path, that means that if you move the file or the link, the link will become invalid.

At this point if we cat the 3 files, all of them will show the same:

$ cat *
Hello, World
Hello, World
Hello, World

But what will happen if we move hard_link and soft_link to the folder_2?

$ mv hard_link ../folder_2/
$ mv soft_link ../folder_2/

Now we have:

├── folder_1
│ └── original_file
└── folder_2
├── hard_link
└── soft_link -> original_file

And if we cat everything in folder_2…

$ cat folder_2/*
Hello, World
cat: folder_2/soft_link: No such file or directory

The soft_link immediately stop working.

Finally, let’s see what happen when the original_file is deleted and we try to cat hard_link

$ rm folder_1/original_file
$ rm folder_2/soft_link
$ tree
├── folder_1
└── folder_2
└── hard_link
$ cat folder_2/hard_link
Hello, World

I hope this helps you understand the basic difference between a hard link and a soft link, remember to check the ln man page.



Hugo Bayona
Hugo Bayona

Written by Hugo Bayona

Pentester | Software Developer

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