Hugo BayonaIntroduction to ELF formatFor every great thing that we do in computing, we need formats, that way we can agree to work in the same parameters and build awesome…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Hugo BayonaVirtual MemoryThe first thing we need to ask is, what is the virtual memory?Sep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020
Hugo BayonaThe /proc filesystemAs in Linux operative systems, the memory is virtualized in order to correctly manage and isolate the real hardware from the processes, so…Aug 27, 2020Aug 27, 2020
Hugo BayonaMachine learning — What?At this point in your life, you have probably heard about, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and maybe something called deep…Jan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Hugo BayonaWhat happens when you type ls -l in the shell?This time we are going to make a deeper analysis of the shell when you type a command, today we are going to check “ls -l”.Nov 27, 2019Nov 27, 2019
Hugo Bayonagcc main.c | Analysis for beginners | LinuxHave you ever wonder, what happens when you compile a *.c file?Sep 19, 2019Sep 19, 2019
Hugo Bayonals *.c | Analysis for beginners | LinuxToday we are going to analyze what happens when you put this command in your terminal.Sep 16, 2019Sep 16, 2019